Book publisher activities

While we’re closed, we’re making it our mission to find ways to help you and your family stay occupied and entertained. We’ll check in regularly with ideas and suggestions.

Comic books

Comic book publishers DC (Batman, Superman and Wonderwoman) and Marvel (Spiderman and Avengers) have junior websites packed with videos, comics to read and games.

Kids book publishers

Most of the UK’s leading publishers for kids have loads of activity sheets, games and, in some cases, videos and free online books.

Chatterbooks activity sheets

At our Chatterbooks children’s book clubs we talk about books and do fun activities around a particular book or theme. The Reading Agency Chatterbooks website is chock full of book-related activity sheets.

Have you found anything useful? Comment below or share with us on our social media channels: Facebook @falkirklibraries, Twitter @libfalkirk