Garden Warfare by Aaron Pollock, age 10

Junior Writing Rammy 2019 runner-up

Sunny, Queen of the Sunflower Maids of Garden Shiny wanted to wage war against her neighbours, the Grey Caps because she hated their dull appearance. However, she had never taken part in war before. So she and her fellow comrades travelled to the Garden of the Succulents for advice. When she arrived, she was confronted by a tall green cactus with long, unequal arms and narrow eyes.

“Admiral Spike, first in command of the Succulents at your service, Queen Sunny.” He saluted, although his hands could barely touch his head.

“I know our kingdoms are not aligned, but I seek counsel about starting a War.” She replied.

A shiver of fear ran through to his roots. “The best advice is not to bring war upon your enemies” he urged.

Undeterred, Sunny headed to the Rose Garden. A tall red rose towered over her. “I am Red, Queen of Roses” she said in a posh voice. “Why have you come here today?” Sunny replied “for advice…” Red interrupted her “What for different costume designs or a new sparkly cro…”Sunny interrupted her this time “NO, advice about starting a war!” Red harrumphed, “Well I only have advice about making outfits…”Before Red could say anymore, Sunny and her crew had already began the journey home.

When she arrived, she saw her youngest sunflowers playing alongside the young mushrooms. She admitted that while the mushrooms were dull in colour, they were very kind and playful. She decided to take Admiral Spike’s advice.

(c) Aaron Pollock