Getting to know us

Our second friendly staff member is Jennifer, who is based in Larbert Library

Jennifer reading

Your job?

I am the newbie to Falkirk Libraries.  I have worked in libraries for over 30 years but only moved to Falkirk area in January 2020.  My job is to look after the libraries in the west of the authority.

Favourite film? 

My favourite film is the Wizard of Oz.  I just love the change from black and white to glorious Technicolor.  I think the idea of home being where you feel safest is the part that always brings me back to that movie

Favourite music?

As I am getting older I find I tend not to collect new bands.  The most recent gigs I have been to were Public Service Broadcasting, Richard Hawley and Starsailor.  I do enjoy listening to live music and I am often to be found in a bar listening to a covers band of a weekend.

Best place to read? 

My favourite place to read is in my bed but that can be dangerous if you get a good book.  Suddenly an hour has gone by when you really should be sleeping.

Favourite food?

I would say I am a fan of Italian food.  Given the choice I would tend to go for pizza or pasta with something chocolatey to finish.

Any pets?

No pets for me but if I had to choose I would be a cat person.

Which is your local library (or libraries)

My local library is in North Lanarkshire, where I used to work.   As I spend all week most weeks in a library I tend not to visit my library but when I do I have to leave plenty of time to catch up with the staff.

Tell us what your library means to you

A library is a place where anyone and everyone is welcome.  If you want a chat there will be some to chat to but if you want to be left alone in peace, you can find that there too.  Big or small there will always be a book (or two) that catches your eye. 

What book or books would you like to share?

I am not one for re-reading books as there are just too many to read something twice.  I am a bit of a fan of a quirky French translation and have enjoyed Reader on the 6.27 by Jean-Paul  Didierlaurent and The President’s hat by Antoine Laurain.  They will leave you with a good feeling.