Free audiobooks on Spotify

Our endless search for ways you can get your hands on free books, continues.

This week we had a trawl through Spotify – the web/app-based music library.

While their audiobook selection isn’t exhaustive, there is A LOT on there – kids’ books, adult non-fiction, crime thrillers, romances, teen titles…

Our pick of Spotify audiobooks

Adult books

Ibram X. Kendi: Stamped from the Beginning

Ibram’s How to be an AntiRacist has become required for reading for anyone with an active interest in systemic change. His earlier book Stamped from Beginning is currently on Spotify for free.

F. Scott Fitzgerald: The Great Gatsby

This is one of hundreds of classic fiction titles available, but has the distinction of being read by actor Michael Shannon, who you’ll recognise from Boardwalk Empire and The Current War.

Have a root around and you’ll find Agatha Christie, Jane Austen, George Orwell, Kurt Vonnegut and lots more.

Crime and Thriller fiction

The Crime and Thriller Fiction podcast playlist takes a bit trawling, but we came up with Scottish author Denzil Meyrick, some Victorian crime fiction and Neil White’s Dan Grant trilogy.

Teen Books

Three brilliant teen series, in their entirety, that adults will love too.

The Hunger Games (complete series) by Suzanne Collins

The Raven Boys (complete series) by Maggie Stiefvater

Mortal Engines by Phillip Reeve

Children’s fiction

Two titles guaranteed to have your youngsters howling. Dav Pilkey’s Captain Underpants and Rachel RenĂ©e Russell’s Dork Diaries.

How to find audiobooks on Spotify

Spotify doesn’t have every author or book. The classics are always there and modern titles come and go – so don’t be disappointed if you look for author and can’t find them.

Spotify is easy enough to navigate if you’re looking for music, but audiobooks are a little bit trickier.

This Bookriot article provides a fairly comprehensive How To:

If you want to just browse what’s available the best thing to do is search for audiobooks and find and follow the audiobook profile. Take a scroll through the profile’s public playlists to see what’s on offer. It’s also worth listening their full-length audiobook guide to find out how to get started.

Let us know if you come across any more in the comments below or on social media.

N.B. All titles present at time of writing – these are subject to Spotify updates.