Family Rammy Winners 2019

We want whole families to enjoy reading and writing together, so we created the Family Rammy category in our annual writing competition. We invite members of the same family to submit their entries

2019’s winners were the Garvens – Mum Sarah and daughter Juliette.

Why I Want to Go by Juliette Garven, Age 10

I want to go to feel the wind in my hair the spray on my face

I want to go to see the clouds come and go without a trace

I want to go to see the mountains filling the space

I want to go to see the sea eagles soring

I want to go to hear the rivers roaring

I want to go to play games with new friends then do the scoring

I want to go to hear the sea gulls scream their cry so forlorn

I want to go to lie in bed and listen to a thunder storm

I want to go to run about outside to keep warm

There’s so much stuff I want to do so that is why I want to go,

so please say yes I need to know.

I need to know if we can go.

(c) Juliette Garven, ,

The Sea by Sarah Garven

Again I am lured by the roaring sea

The one that is raging and black

Where my hair makes whips

And the seaweed flips

Over the rocks and back

Over the rocks and back

I watch, the foam and the spray fly wild

With the roar of the wind

Throbbing deep in my chest

I’m shivering like a child

Shivering like a child I search

Peer through the darkening waves

Feel the strength of the moon

The prick of harpoon

And deeply the sailor’s graves

The Sea

Deep in the sailor’s graves

Rest riddles of time and place

Through eel-nibbled bones

Beside Davey Jones

Secrets of fathomless space

Time and again, and again each time

I come and I stand and I yearn

Fingertips miss

The edge of abyss

Enlightenment tempts return

Knowledge nets, knotted and fast

All that escapes are my moans

Like beasts in the deep

Calling knowledge to creep

Into my marrow’s bones

The Sea

Deep in my marrow bones

I feel, and so I reach out to grasp

 The truth in the chest

Which tugs deep in my breast

But is locked with a barnacled hasp.

So I stand with my back to the deepening black

And face the roiling mass

Glimpses of moon

Spied through the gloom

Heart pierced with slivers of glass

The fragments of heart-glass, deliciously sharp

I breathlessly grasp for the ways

To tease sense from the doom

Knowledge from spume

The truth that will set all ablaze.

The Sea

Will truth be kindled to blaze?

It must! Keep searching I sense, there, a crack!

But blackness like squid ink

Swirls round me in clouds

Heart strings too tightened for slack.

The storm now spent, is over and done.

The night revealed, moonlit and black

Now unsure why I went,

Feeling utterly spent

Fool myself that I’ll never come back.

(c) Sarah Garven